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Lee Danilek

All posts by Lee

Database Triggers
Triggers automatically run code whenever data in a table changes. A library in the convex-helpers npm package allows you to attach trigger functions to your Convex database.
Lee Danilek's avatar
Lee Danilek
11 days ago
Take Control of Pagination
Convex offers robust control over pagination with a powerful function, getPage, enabling complex edge cases. In this article, we go over how to use that function in your Convex app.
Lee Danilek's avatar
Lee Danilek
3 months ago
Using TypeScript to Write Complex Query Filters
There’s a new Convex helper to perform generic TypeScript filters, with the same performance as built-in Convex filters, and unlimited potential.
Lee Danilek's avatar
Lee Danilek
7 months ago
Row Level Security
Add row-level security to your database access by wrapping database reads and writes in your Convex serverless functions.
Lee Danilek's avatar
Lee Danilek
a year ago
End-to-End Encryption with Convex
Implementing end-to-end encryption on top of Convex to build a secret-sharing app.
Lee Danilek's avatar
Lee Danilek
2 years ago