Event Driven Programming: A Definitive Guide
We go over the basics of event driven programming: how it works, benefits, variants, and use cases.

7 months ago
Multiple apps on a single domain hosted on sub-paths
Serve your app on a sub-path to host multiple apps on the same domain, using vercel.json rewrites.

Ian Macartney
8 months ago
Convert your .json array to a .jsonl (JSON Lines)
JSON Lines stores one JSON object per line in a file, which is more scalable. Here's the one-liner to convert your .json file to .jsonl

Ian Macartney
a year ago
Supercharge `npm run dev` with package.json scripts
With a simple `npm run dev` we can sign up a user for Convex, add seed data, and run the frontend and backend (including database) in parallel. Here's how we do it, and how to undo it too.

Ian Macartney
a year ago