Using Cursor, Claude and Convex to Build a Social Media Scheduling App
I was curious to see if I could prompt my way through developing an entire app with Cursor and Claude. It went pretty well - but there are some important caveats to keep in mind.

Tom Redman
6 months ago
Build a File Storage App with Role Based Authorization (Next.js, Shadcn, Typescript)
Web Dev Cody guides viewers in creating a comprehensive full stack file storage application on YouTube. The tutorial covers features like organizations, file upload, management, role-based authorization, authentication, cron deletes, favorites, trash functionality, and various UI components such as dialogs, modals, toasts, dropdowns, and more.

Web Dev Cody
a year ago
Argument Validation without Repetition
A few more advanced techniques & helpers to further reduce duplication and accelerate your Convex workflow.

Anjana Vakil
a year ago
The most exciting 4 hour coding challenge
Tag along as WebDevCody participates in LearnWithJason's coding challenge where 4 developers use the same technologies to create the best project possible in 4 hours.

Web Dev Cody
a year ago
Zod with TypeScript for Server-side Validation and End-to-End Types
Use Zod with TypeScript for argument validation on your server functions allows you to both protect against invalid data, and define TypeScript types that propagate to your client. This can now be used as an alternative to the built-in argument validation on Convex.

Ian Macartney
a year ago
Types and Validators in TypeScript: A Convex Cookbook
It can be tough to wrangle types to behave how you want them to. Thankfully, Convex was designed to make the experience with types perfect. Learn why that's the case here.

Anjana Vakil
a year ago
End-to-end TypeScript with Convex
Convex provides automatic type safety all the way from your database schema to your React app. How does it work? Hint: we use some wild TypeScript.

Alex Cole
2 years ago