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Sarah Shader

All posts by Sarah

Log Streams: Common uses
Log streams like Axiom and Datadog can be used to provide powerful querying and alerting on logs and errors from your Convex functions, helping with debugging issues when they come up and providing early insights to detect smaller issues before they become bigger. This article covers how to do the several common things with either Axiom or Datadog hooked up as a Convex log stream including filtering to a request, logging structured metadata, and visualizing usage.
Sarah Shader's avatar
Sarah Shader
4 months ago
AI Chat with HTTP Streaming
By leveraging HTTP actions with streaming, this chat app balances real-time responsiveness with efficient bandwidth usage. Users receive character-by-character updates to their own responses directly from ChatGPT, while other users see periodic updates, minimizing database bandwidth.
Sarah Shader's avatar
Sarah Shader
4 months ago
Databases are Spreadsheets
I want to share my mental model of databases: - Databases are just big spreadsheets - An index is just a view of the spreadsheet sorted by one or more columns - Binary search over a sorted list is faster than a linear scan (for large lists)
Sarah Shader's avatar
Sarah Shader
6 months ago
Running tests using a local open-source backend
Convex recently released an open source version of the backend. We can use this to unit test Convex functions by running them with a local backend. These tests will work by running a backend locally, pushing your code, and using the `ConvexClient` to execute queries and mutations from your favorite testing framework and asserting on the results.
Sarah Shader's avatar
Sarah Shader
7 months ago
Advanced HTTP Endpoints: Convex ❤️ Hono
Adding advanced HTTP Endpoint functionality by extending Convex with Hono.
Sarah Shader's avatar
Sarah Shader
2 years ago
Discord Bot Webhooks with Convex
Convex provides client libraries for storing and interacting with data, but sometimes we want a third-party app like Discord to interact with data in Convex. In this post, we use webhooks to build a simple Discord bot powered by Convex.
Sarah Shader's avatar
Sarah Shader
2 years ago