Bright ideas and techniques for building with Convex.
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Sarah Shader

All posts by Sarah

Databases are Spreadsheets
I want to share my mental model of databases: - Databases are just big spreadsheets - An index is just a view of the spreadsheet sorted by one or more columns - Binary search over a sorted list is faster than a linear scan (for large lists)
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Sarah Shader
2 days ago
Running tests using a local open-source backend
Convex recently released an open source version of the backend. We can use this to unit test Convex functions by running them with a local backend. These tests will work by running a backend locally, pushing your code, and using the `ConvexClient` to execute queries and mutations from your favorite testing framework and asserting on the results.
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Sarah Shader
a month ago
Advanced HTTP Endpoints: Convex ❤️ Hono
Adding advanced HTTP Endpoint functionality by extending Convex with Hono.
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Sarah Shader
a year ago