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Bright ideas and techniques for building with Convex.


Testing authenticated functions from the dashboard
You can test functions that rely on a sign-in by decoding your JWT and using the fields with "Act as a user" on the dashboard.
Ian Macartney's Profile image
Ian Macartney
a month ago
Introducing Convex Auth
Convex Auth is a library for implementing authentication natively in your Convex backend.
Michal Srb's Profile image
Michal Srb
2 months ago
Convex with Auth.js (NextAuth)
Learn how to use Auth.js with your Next.js server and Convex backend to build a full-featured authentication system.
Michal Srb's Profile image
Michal Srb
4 months ago
Convex Adapter for Auth.js (NextAuth) Setup Guide
Learn how to install and configure the Convex adapter for Auth.js as part of getting set up with Convex and Next.js.
Michal Srb's Profile image
Michal Srb
4 months ago